Sunday, April 19, 2009

Author: Bryce

Anchored Out: Tillaloo Cut, Elbow Cay

After we left Green Turtle we went to Marsh Harbor, it was neat, but I thought we could have gone someplace else. Marsh Harbor is the biggest town in Abaco, it is about the size of Crawfordville.

Our second day at Marsh Harbor we walked to a place called Mermaid reef. I expected just OK snorkeling, but it was unbelieveable. You had to wade out off the beach about 100 yards, but it was worth it. We brought a can of peas to feed the fish. There were so many and they were so tame you could grab them. We saw black grouper, nassau grouper, parrot fish (three differrent kinds), mangrove snapper, yellowtail snapper, ballyhoo, and tons of small tropical fish I can't name. A ballyhoo looks kind of like a needlefish. I saw one snag a pea on its nose and swim off.

The next day we went to Hope Town. It is a really neat little town, it is famous for its huge lighthouse which was bulit in 1879. We climbed to the top, there are exactly 101 steps. There is only a small light but it is magnified by a huge maganifying glass called a fresnel lens. It send its beam out 18 miles. That night in our anchorgae at Hope Town the lighthouse turned on and the beam of light swept over our heads all night long.

Today we went to an amazing beach called Tahiti Beach. It is near a place called Tillaloo Cut. We found a tree a tree fort built in the mangrove trees on the beach. The fort is called "monkey cay". It is really hidden, I think 95% of the people walk right past it without noticing it.

After that we took the dinghy to a place called "Cracker P's" which is a little restaurant on an island called Lubber's Quarters. We had fun playing darts and exploring.

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